Piraeus Bank launched a new “Easy with replenishment” online 3-month deposit with an interest rate of 16% per annum in UAH.
The new online deposit offered by Piraeus Bank can be opened online only, using Winbank, with the ability to replenish at any given point of time and at an annual interest rate of 16%, which is one of the most advantageous offers in the banking market.
“Easy with replenishment” enables you to secure this attractive rate for a period of up to 3 months and easily accumulate your savings by adding new funds at any time through the life of the deposit.
The minimum required amount is UAH 1,000 for the duration of 3 months, with an option to extend via Winbank mobile app. Clients will be able to replenish their deposit at any time over the entire duration, up to the maximum of UAH 1 million.
If you are already a client of the bank, then just login to the Winbank, select the “Savings” section, and click on the “Easy with replenishment” deposit.
One of the key advantages of keeping your savings with Piraeus Bank is its reliability in combination with top of the market interest rates.
Piraeus Bank is a subsidiary of Piraeus Financial Holdings, a European financial group listed in the Athens Stock Exchange. It has been providing banking services since 1916 and operates in Ukraine since 2007. Piraeus Bank is also a member of the Deposit Guarantee Fund, which ensures the security of your wealth.
Easily open online “Easy with replenishment” deposit at a profitable interest rate of 16% per annum in UAH using the Winbank app or take advantage of other offered deposit products with tenors of 3, 6 and 12 months.
*Please, kindly find here the list of MSS codes to which the rules for calculating and paying remuneration do not apply (in Ukrainian).
Download the Winbank application from Piraeus Bank and open your card Online