About the bank

ManagementOur achievements and historyFinancial statements & other informationContact details

We are a subsidiary of the largest financial group in Greece operating in Europe. The Bank was established in 1916, with its headquarters located in Athens, Greece. The Bank is strategically focused on servicing corporate and small medium enterprises (SME) as well as individuals.

Piraeus Bank is about people and their needs. We use all tools available to us and are governed by customer-oriented principles that help us serve our clients in the best way we can.

For small and medium-sized businesses, we offer a full range of financial products and services that meet their needs.

Retail banking means yevery-day banking needs gathered in one place.


In Ukraine, Piraeus Bank Group began operating in September 2007, after the acquisition of the International Commercial Bank (ICB).

The regional network of Piraeus Bank in Ukraine covers Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa, Kharkiv and Cherkasy Regions.

The Bank has been authorized by the Pension Fund of Ukraine to make payments of pensions and financial assistance - and is a member of the Individual Deposit Guarantee Fund. Piraeus Bank is also a member of the Forum for Leading International Financial Institutions (FLIFI), the American Chamber of Commerce (ACC) and the European Business Association (EBA).

IOANNIS KYRIAKOPOULOS Chairman of the Management Board

Coordinates operation of structural units:

  • Finance Department
  • Financial Analysis Division
  • Business Development Department
  • Treasury Department
  • HR Department
  • Legal Department
  • IT security Division
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ILIAS MOUZAKIS Member of the Management Board

Coordinates operation of structural units:

  • Digital business development department
  • Department of Information Technologies
  • Department for work with problem assets and administrative matters
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IRYNA STAKHURSKA Member of the Management Board

Coordinates the work of the operational department

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Антоніна Грінько
Antonina Hrinko Member of the Management Board

Coordinates credit underwriting management

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Lyubov Lytovchak Member of the Management Board

Coordinates the work of compliance control and financial monitoring

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Our achievements and history
Achievements History
  • Piraeus Bank entered the TOP-15 rating list of the most reliable small and medium-sized banks. The rating was compiled by the Hroshi (Money) magazine
  • Piraeus Bank placed 13th among of the most robust banks in Ukraine according to the FinScore index, YouControl rating.
  • Piraeus Bank entered the rating list of the most reliable banks in Ukraine compiled by the Novoye Vremya (New Times) publication.
  • Piraeus Bank ranked 1st among of the most robust small and medium-sized banks with assets under UAH 15 billion, according to the Hroshi magazine.
  • Piraeus Bank entered the rating list of the Ukrainian banks financial health, according to the ranking of the International Centre for Policy Studies, based on the analysis of data for QI of 2020.
  • Piraeus Bank was awarded a long-term uaAA credit rating on the national scale by the Standard-Rating Agency.
  • Piraeus Bank was included in the TOP-20 of the most robust Ukrainian banks, having placed 13th.
  • Piraeus Bank places 15th among 40 Ukrainian banks in the financial health rating, according to a study conducted by the International Centre for Policy Studies (ICPS) with the support of Independent Association of Banks of Ukraine (IABU) experts, based on the analysis of data for the first six months of 2019.
  • First in the reliability rating list among medium-sized retail banks (with assets under UAH 15 billion and a retail deposit portfolio in excess of UAH 1 billion as of July 1, 2019), and was the only bank with the total rating score equal to “1”.
  • Ministry of Finance included Piraeus Bank in the TOP-20 of the most robust banks for QII of 2019, based on official and open source information analysis.
  • EBRD and Piraeus Bank Ukraine entered an agreement on participation in the Trade Promotion Programme.
  • Piraeus Bank made it to the TOP-10 list under 4 nominations: Loans for SMEs, Online Banking, Mortgage Loans and Best Top Manager in the annual rating of the Financial club TOP-50 banks of Ukraine.
  • Piraeus Bank was included in the TOP-3 in two nominations according to the rating prepared by Prostobank Consulting: Best Mortgage Loans in the Secondary Market in 2017 and Best Deposit for Private Individuals.

Financial statements & other information

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Contact details
Address of the Piraeus Bank HQ in Ukraine 11, Biloruska St., Kyiv, 04119, Ukraine
Telephones +38 (044) 495-88-88, 593-75-29
Email info@piraeusbank.ua
Press office Tel./fax: +38 (044) 495-88-88 e-mail: press@piraeusbank.ua
Details « PIRAEUS BANK ICB » JSC, registered office: 11, Biloruska St., Kyiv, 04119, Ukraine
Mailing address 11, Biloruska St., Kyiv, 04119, Ukraine
MFO 300658
EDRPOU Code 20034231
ITT 200342326652
Address of the HQ of the Piraeus Financial Holdings S.A. 4 Amerikis St., Athens, Greece, 10564, tel.: +30 210 33 35 000 www.piraeusbank.gr