Piraeus Bank entered top 10 ranking of Ukrainian banks with the most favorable credit card terms for clients according to the rating of the most profitable bank’s offers that was held by “Lichniy schet” business weekly (# 7, 2015). According to weekly’s opinion, the most favorable conditions of Piraeus Bank’s credit card are: optimal interest rate, grace period – up to 51 days, and the ability to open a credit limit up to 75 thousand. UAH.
Also the “Lichniy schet” weekly’s rating includes Alfa-Bank, PUMB, OTP Bank, PrivatBank, Credit Agricole and other banks that also provide an opportunity to issue a credit card on favorable terms.
According to information from the Piraeus Bank’s Retail banking department, the maximum amount of the credit limit is UAH 75 000, and a grace period during which you can enjoy the limit used for free up to 51 day, provided noncash payment. The period of the application for the credit card approval is 2 working days, and the period of granting is 7 working days.
“Credit cards now are “hot” products on the market and gain an increasingly prominent place in our lives, in our wallets, and what is more in our daily expenses – both at home and abroad. Interest rates (pricing of the product) are one of the main characteristics that customers estimate while choosing a bank. That’s why we are interested to set such interest rate that will be more competitive and attractive for clients and with proper financial planning paying interest for credit facilities can be avoided. Using credit card only for non-cash transactions, which are subject of a grace period, as well as paying back the debt in time, provides possibility to use credit limit without paying interest for many years”, – comented Ilias Mouzakis, a board member of Piraeus Bank.
For detailed information about credit card please phone the call centre: 0 800 30 888 0 (calls from stationary phones within Ukraine are free of charge, from mobile phones – according to the operators tariffs), visit the Bank branch or official web-site www.piraeusbank.ua.
Earlier, the press service of Piraeus Bank reported that “Credit-Rating” rating agency assigned to Piraeus Bank “stable” credit rating.
Download the Winbank application from Piraeus Bank and open your card Online