Piraeus Bank became the primarily partner of the conference organized by TEDx KPI in Kiev, that is regarded as a local event of the World independent platform TED aimed to distribute ideas and share experience. As stated the press service of Piraeus Bank the event was held on May 23, 2015 at 10.30 a.m. in the State Polytechnic Museum.
The speakers that attended the conference TEDxKPI are professionals in technical sciences, founders of successful projects, inventors and researchers. Each speaker shared their stories about possibilities to change the world around you due to conscientious attitude to work and described ideas that are worth spreading.
“It is necessary to point out that today's students really have changed: I can not say to better or worse extent – they have become different. Not all, but motivation of some declined. Mostly on humanities faculties now are learning just because it is necessary – without a diploma impossible to find a job. And professionalism, unfortunately, went by the wayside. That's why I want to convey the idea to all the participants; it is worth trying to turn a hobby into a profession. In this case, win young professionals and employers“, – said during conference Radmila Segol, PhD in Social Communications, tutor KPI, co-founder of the art-space “Tower”.
During the event on the official page of Piraeus Bank in the social network Facebook everyone could look through interesting speakers’ thoughts and the most interesting moments. Along with Piraeus Bank Epam Systems, Lipton, Fіlіzhanka, Old Lev publishing house entered in the list of partners.
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