Piraeus Bank offers using the service of depositing cash to any Visa or MasterCard issued by a Ukrainian bank within mere minutes.
The service is available at any Piraeus Bank branch
Come to any Piraeus Bank branch.
Provide the beneficiary's card number to the teller or enter it to the terminal.
Enter the transfer amount and pay the commission.
It is necessary to note that money transactions via the MONEGO service are carried out through the Mastercard and Visa payment services.
Переказ по території України, у країни СНД та далекого зарубіжжя без відкриття і з відкриттям банківських рахунків відправника (отримувача).
Learn moreDownload the Winbank application from Piraeus Bank and open your card Online
Download the Winbank application from Piraeus Bank and open your deposit Online