Piraeus Bank entered the TOP-3 banks with the most favorable credit card terms for clients according to the rating of the most profitable bank’s offers that was held by “Lichniy schet” business weekly (# 20, 2013). According to weekly’s opinion, the most favorable conditions of Piraeus Bank’s credit card are unique in the Ukrainian market interest rate – 1.99% per month (23.88% per annum), the term of grace period that reaches 51-day and possibility to receive loan limit on card up to UAH 50 000.
Also the “Lichniy schet” weekly’s rating includes Alfa-Bank and Credit Agricole, that took first and second place, respectively, BM Bank is on the 4th place was and Privatbank – the 5th place.
According to information from the Piraeus Bank’s Retail banking department interest rates are charged at the rate1.99% per month on actually used amount of credit limit after the grace period regardless of card’s type – Visa Gold or Visa Classic. The term of grace period reaches 51-day during which interest rate equals 0.0001% per annum. After the grace period the client may repay the full amount of the debt or the minimum payment at the rate of 10% of the debt in order to proceed using loyal interest rate.
Ilias Mouzakis, Piraeus Bank in Ukraine Retail banking director: "We are interested to set such interest rate that will be more competitive and attractive for clients"
«Consumer lending products are currently the “hot” products in the market. The banks are highly competing in order to acquire as much market share as possible. Interest rates (pricing of the product) are one of the main characteristics that customers estimate while choosing a bank. That’s why we are interested to set such interest rate that will be more competitive and attractive for clients», – the Retail banking director, Ilias Mouzakis said.
Required term for receiving credit card with a lower interest rate is the borrower’s official income above UAH 5 000 per month.
Apart from this, Piraeus Bank entered the TOP-10 banks with the most profitable conditions for USD deposits and the TOP-15 banks – UAH deposits.
For detailed information about credit card please phone the call centre: 0 800 30 888 0 (calls from stationary phones within Ukraine are free of charge, from mobile phones – according to the operators tariffs), visit the Bank branch or official web-site www.piraeusbank.ua.
Note. Piraeus Bank Group is one of the major banking institutions of Southern and Eastern Europe. Piraeus Group's pro-forma total assets amount to €93 bn, net loans to €62 bn and customer deposits to €55 bn (at the end of Septebmer 2013).
Piraeus Bank entered the Ukrainian market in 2007.
Piraeus Bank has the highest rating of deposits reliability provided by "Credit-Rating" Agency (grade "5"as of latest rating of 12.12.2013).
The Bank is authorized by the Pension Fund of Ukraine to make payments of pensions and financial assistance. The Bank is a member of Fund of Guaranteeing the Deposits of Individuals and Forum of Leading International Financial institutions (FLIFI).
Piraeus Bank in Ukraine Press Office
tel: +38(044)495-88-88
e-mail: press@piraeusbank.ua
Download the Winbank application from Piraeus Bank and open your card Online