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Piraeus Bank launched four new tariff bundles for salary projects
26 November 2013
Kyiv, Piraeus Bank worked out and launched four new tariff bundles for salary projects - "Start", "Optimal", "Partner" and "Premium" based on a new concept of servicing salary project clients. This information was announced by the Bank’s press service with reference to Retail banking department.

According to information from the Piraeus Bank’s Retail banking department new concept of servicing salary project clients in Piraeus Bank consists of tariff packages’ differentiation depending on the clients’ needs and requirements both for a legal entity-employer and individuals – holders of salary cards.

Thus, tariff package "Premium" provides the biggest amount of free services for the employees, in particular, cash withdrawal in all ATMs of all banks in Ukraine, SMS-informing on all conducted transactions on salary account, connection and servicing of internet banking system winbank and other. Exception forms account maintenance; the commission rate in the amount of UAH 5 is charged in case the sum of non-cash payments during the previous month was less than UAH 800. At the same time, tariff package "Premium" determines commission rate for company-employer transfer or funds to salary accounts.

Along with this, according to tariff package "Partner" company-employer is totally free from fee for transfer of funds to salary accounts. The only commission that is to be paid within this package is a card issue (Visa Classic – UAH 10). At the same time employees charge commission for account maintenance (in case the sum of non-cash payments during the previous month was less than UAH 800) and cash withdrawal in ATMs of the banks that do not enter into Atmosphera network.

At the same time, tariff package "Optimal" provides decreased commission rate for transfer of funds to salary accounts and free services for employees of the company as well as account maintenance. Exception forms cash withdrawal in ATMs of the banks that do not enter into Atmosphera network; the commission rate is UAH 5 + 1,5% from sum.

Tariff package "Start" was worked out for companies with number of employees up to 9 people and charges commission for transfer of funds to salary accounts and card issue. Along with it employees of the company may use sms-informing and internet banking for free as well as non-cash transactions in retail networks. However, commission rate for cash withdrawal in ATMs of the banks that do not enter into Atmosphera network and account maintenance is charged on standard conditions with the other tariff packages.

Svetlana Cherkay, Piraeus Bank in Ukraine member of the management board: “The main logic of new pricing policy of the Bank consists of providing optimal tariff package depending on companies’ financial condition, demand for banking services, personnel policy and other business peculiarities such as location”

As commented Svetlana Cherkay, Piraeus Bank in Ukraine member of the Board: “The main logic of new pricing policy of the Bank consists of providing optimal tariff package depending on companies’ financial condition, demand for banking services, personnel policy and other business peculiarities such as location”. In particular, according to her comments tariff package "Premium" was worked out for companies with number of employees more than 10 people and provides possibility to assure employees with additional motivation in terms of beneficial and practic salary project. “Considering that for major employees, especially in regions, tariffs that are charged for cash withdrawal in ATMs of the other banks form essential sum. That’s why we made a decision to launch such tariff package that allows our clients – holders of salary project to save time and money for receiving cash from their salary accounts,” – highlighted S.Cherkay.

From the other side, for the companies that aim to reduce their expenses for the salary projects the Bank offers tariff packages "Optimal" and "Partner" with a decreased commission or even without any, however, with definite commission rate for the maintaining of the employees’ accounts.

New tariff packages are valid for all new salary projects as well as at the wish of current clients – legal entities can be applied on their current salary projects.

For detailed information, please call to the Call Center: 0 800 30 888 0 (calls from landline phones within Ukraine are free of charge, from mobile phones – according to the operators tariffs), visit the bank branch or official web-site

Note. Piraeus Bank Group is one of the major banking institutions of Southern and Eastern Europe. Piraeus Group's pro-forma total assets amount to €95 bn, net loans to €63 bn and customer deposits to €55 bn (at the end of June 2013).

Piraeus Bank entered the Ukrainian market in 2007.

Piraeus Bank has the highest rating of deposits reliability provided by "Credit-Rating" Agency (grade "5"as of latest rating of 29.10.2013).

The Bank is authorized by the Pension Fund of Ukraine to make payments of pensions and financial assistance. The Bank is a member of Fund of Guaranteeing the Deposits of Individuals and Forum of Leading International Financial institutions (FLIFI).

Piraeus Bank in Ukraine Press Office 
tel: +38(044)495-88-88 