Piraeus Bank in Ukraine has launched a telephone banking service that is a new channel of access to the Internet-banking system winbank.
“We’ve offered our clients a new access point to winbank via telephone banking. With the help of telephone banking one can perform any operations with his or her accounts anytime and anywhere, - Ilias Mouzakis, Piraeus Bank in Ukraine Operations department Deputy Director, said. - Our client can receive information on any enquiry regarding accounts’ balance, fixed deposits, and plastic cards and also transfer funds within his or her own accounts in Piraeus Bank as well as to other accounts in Ukraine or abroad”.
Connecting to telephone banking is easy: one only needs to have a Piraeus Bank payment card and mobile phone. You can immediately activate the service.
For registering one needs to:
Regardless of the channel of accessing winbank all the tariffs for the use of online banking are the same.
“There is a 0% commission for payments within Ukraine, including transfers within Piraeus Bank accounts or remittances to other banks”, - Ilias Mouzakis said.
For detailed information about telephone banking please call the call centre: 0 800 30 888 0 (calls from fixed line phones within Ukraine are free of charge) or visit the link.
Note. Piraeus Bank Group is one of the major banking institutions of Southern and Eastern Europe. Piraeus Bank Group assets amount to EUR 78 bln, loans amount to EUR 44 bln, and the amount of clients’ deposits is EUR 35 bln (as of 30.09.2012).
Piraeus Bank entered the Ukrainian market in 2007. Total assets of Piraeus Bank in Ukraine amount to UAH 3.1 bln and regulatory capital to UAH 910 mln as of Q4 2012.
Piraeus Bank has the highest rating of deposits reliability provided by “Credit-Rating” Agency (grade “5”as of latest rating of 25.12.2012).
The Bank is authorized by the Pension Fund of Ukraine to make payments of pensions and financial assistance. The Bank is a member of Fund of Guaranteeing the Deposits of Individuals and Forum of Leading International Financial institutions (FLIFI).
Piraeus Bank in Ukraine Press Service
Kateryna Kalynovska
cell: +38(067)688-62-14
e-mail: kkalynovska{at}piraeusbank.ua
Download the Winbank application from Piraeus Bank and open your card Online