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Piraeus Bank starts issuing Visa Virtual card in Ukraine
15 February 2013

Piraeus Bank in Ukraine has started issuing Visa Virtual card. Such cards have been designed for safe online shopping in Internet.

“Visa Virtual card is designed especially for safe online-shopping. While purchasing in online-stores the user does not need to show the data of his or her plastic card, as it can be illegally used. It is a lot safer to pay for online purchases with Visa Virtual card. You can keep on it the exact amount of money needed to purchase a good or service online, - Ilias Mouzakis, Piraeus Bank in Ukraine Operations Department Deputy Director said. - The user may load the card with more money or unload it, and also set any limits on his or her virtual card and receive the sms-informing service. The customer is the manager of his or her card. Visa Virtual is the best solution for those who are used to online shopping and want to make their online payments as safe as possible”.

Visa Virtual card can be instantly opened via Internet-banking system winbank. The card’s balance enquiry, replenishment, and spending limit settings are available online. The user can also transfer funds from the virtual card to other accounts and cards, receive the sms-informing service and close the card instantly.

Any winbank customer can issue Visa Virtual without visiting the bank’s branch. The virtual card issuance is free of charge. The card is valid for up to 36 months.

Ilias Mouzakis, Piraeus Bank in Ukraine Operations department Deputy Director "Visa Virtual is the best solution for those who are used to online shopping and want to make their online payments as safe as possible"

“Recently online-shopping has grown significantly. Its amount has been doubled for the last year. We’ll be experiencing this trend for the next few years. We understand our clients’ need s for quick, safe and convenient online-shopping. That’s why we offer them Visa Virtual card”, - Ilias Mouzakis added.

Visa Virtual card can be issued UAH, USD, EUR.

One can find the details of issuing Visa Virtual card at this link. For detailed information about Visa Virtual card please phone the call centre: 0 800 30 888 0 (calls from fixed line phones within Ukraine are free of charge).

Note. Piraeus Bank Group is one of the major banking institutions of Southern and Eastern Europe. Piraeus Bank Group assets amount to EUR 78 bln, loan portfolio amounts to EUR 44 bln, and the amount of clients’ deposits is EUR 35 bln (as of 30.09.2012).

Piraeus Bank entered the Ukrainian market in 2007. The Bank is a member of Fund of Guaranteeing the Deposits of Individuals (license #25).

Total assets of Piraeus Bank in Ukraine amount to UAH 3.1 bln and regulatory capital to UAH 910 mln as of Q4 2012.

Piraeus Bank has the highest rating of deposits reliability provided by “Credit-Rating” Agency (grade “5”as of latest rating of 25.12.2012).

The Bank is authorized by the Pension Fund of Ukraine to make payments of pensions and financial assistance. The Bank is a member of Fund of Guaranteeing the Deposits of Individuals and Forum of Leading International Financial institutions (FLIFI).

Piraeus Bank in Ukraine Press Service
Kateryna Kalynovska
cell: +38(067)688-62-14
e-mail: kkalynovska{at}