In the framework of the best e-banks of Ukraine (results were published in the "Investgazeta» № 40, 2012) the Investor Relations Agency held its annual survey of corporate websites of 30 banks in Ukraine in terms of availability and completeness of the information required for potential and existing investors (owners of the shares and / or bonds).
During the research more than 40 criteria for current communication trends were taken into account –starting from the completeness of the displayed results to the integration of the site with social networks. The study revealed that almost all the banks in 2011-2012 transformed their corporate websites in order to establish more effective communication with target audiences.
The Investor Relations Agency highly appreciated Piraeus Bank position in the usage of the corporate website as a mean of communication not only with the current client base but with the investment community too. In addition, the agency’s analysts emphasized the high level of interactivity and multimedia on corporate website, as well as the presence of the interactive presentations and product calculators for clients.
Vyacheslav Koval, Piraeus Bank in Ukraine Acting Chairman of the Board: "We aim to disclose all necessary information about the bank for our customers and partners at the corporate website"
"The research results confirm the Piraeus Bank’s confidence in the necessity of informing customers timely and efficiently and is very important for creation of a positive reputation in the market. We aim to disclose all necessary information about the bank for our customers and partners at the corporate website as one of the prior communication channels, "- said Vyacheslav Koval, Piraeus Bank in Ukraine Acting Chairman of the Board.
Detailed information on the study can be found on Investor Relations Agency web site.
Note. Piraeus Bank is one of the major banking institutions of Southern and Eastern Europe with assets of EUR 77,24 bln, with loan portfolio of EUR 46 bln, with deposit portfolio of EUR 37 bln (after absorbing the good part of Greek Agricultural Bank ATEbank and 99,08 percent of Greek Geniki Bank assets, as of 19.10.2012). Established in 1916, Piraeus Bank today is presented in 10 countries. In Ukraine Piraeus Bank is established since 2007. The Bank is a member of Fund of Guaranteeing the Deposits of Individuals (license #25).
Net assets of Piraeus Bank in Ukraine amount to UAH 3,1 bln, share capital to UAH 1.628, regulatory capital to UAH 894,7 mln as of Q3 2012.
Piraeus Bank has the highest rating of deposits reliability provided by “Credit-Rating” Agency (grade “5”; last update took place on 23.10.2012), that shows the bank's capacity to make payments on existing deposits timely and in full.
The Bank is a member of Forum of Leading International Financial institutions (FLIFI), Fund of Guaranteeing the Deposits of Individuals. The Bank is also included in the list of banks authorized by the Pension Fund of Ukraine to make payments of pensions and financial assistance.
Piraeus Bank in Ukraine Press Service
Kateryna Kalynovska
cell: +38(067)688-62-14
e-mail: kkalynovska{at}
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