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Piraeus Bank has supported “2030 Agenda” by the United Nations
20 June 2018

Piraeus Bank is the only Greek bank among twenty-six leading banks from 5 continents,  that are re-defining banks’ purpose and business model to align the sector with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Climate Agreement.

“The UN Sustainable Goals, known in short as“2030 Agenda”, are 17 including goals such as no poverty, zero hunger, quality education, gender equality, affordable and clean energy, peace, justice and strong institutions, among others, and are designed to unite continents in an effort to find powerful new solutions for a better way of living. It is with great pride and honour  to participate and contribute to this effort in making our world better” said Yannis Kyriakopoulos, Country Manager of Piraeus Bank in Ukraine.

On the results of the 1Q2018 Piraeus Bank Group’s total assets amounted to 63,6 bln. euro, deposit s – 43,2 bln euro, loan portfolio — 57,7 bln. euro (before adjustments) . The Piraeus Bank’s Equity totaled 7,84 bln. euro as of 31st of March.