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Admition period to the Summer marketing School in Greece started
15 March 2017
Piraeus Bank together with Excelixi S.A. – Center of Sustainable Entrepreneurship and the Athens University of Economics and Business of Greece announced students’ admission to the 14-day Summer School course ‘Cultural Heritage Marketing for Sustainable Tourism’.

Course lecturers ensure a world-class tuition and an interdisciplinary learning environment. The course introduces trainees to the basic concepts of marketing in the cultural heritage sector by paying particular attention to the environment in which an organization operates. The program will help trainees to understand the factors that are related to the internal and external environment of an organization that operates in the cultural heritage industry and acknowledge the significance and contribution of the marketing function for such an organization and its relationship with the overall business strategy. Moreover, trainees will have a possibility to develop an integrated marketing plan and comprehend how cultural heritage marketing can lead to sustainability in tourism.

The course is taking place in Greece during July 2017 and welcomes applications from upper-year undergraduates and master’s degree students in faculties including art history, tourism marketing, cultural heritage management, archaeology and anthropology. Professionals and non-specialists in related fields may also apply.
After the successful completion of the course, participants will be provided with an official Certificate that will be issued by AUEB and Excelixi S.A.
You can find the additional information via the next link.