
Minimum deposit amount: 10000 UAH / 1000 USD / 1000 EUR
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Deposit amount (manual entry is possible)
10000 UAH 5005000 UAH 10000000 UAH

Term of deposit

Annual % rate
Deposit profitability
Deposit amount(including % at the end of the term) 8 920,20 uah

Amount of %(accrued for the whole period) 40,00 uah
The amount of taxes(19.5% of the amount of interest accrual) 7,80 uah
Amount of % for the whole period(after tax) 0 uah
Rate % per annum(after tax) 0 %
The bank does not require mandatory support services for signing of the bank deposit agreement in UAH, opening of the account is free of charge.
Term: from to months
Annual rate: from 10% to 12%
Minimum summary: from 1000₴
deposit calculator
Summary UAH
Number of payments
1 payment 12 payments
Date of registration
Deposit profitability
Total overpayment:

Monthly payment:
Date of making the first payment:
Total cost of the loan:
Effective rate:
The bank does not require mandatory support services for signing of the bank deposit agreement in UAH, opening of the account is free of charge.