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Piraeus Bank is number 5 on the Investgazeta’s list of the best e-banks of Ukraine
08 November 2012

“Investgazeta” gave Piraeus Bank the fifth place in the annual rating of the best Ukrainian e-banks published on October 15, 2012 (#40).

“Due to a constant growth of Internet users' number, online banking is one of the most promising products on Ukrainian market, - Ilias Mouzakis, Piraeus Bank Operations Department Deputy Director said. - The new generation of operational systems and smart phones increases the Bank's internet presence possibilities. As IT technologies are growing fast, we want to be up-to-date. That's why we offer our clients the most simple and comfortable ways of managing their finances."

"Investgazeta" highly rated the dynamics of Piraeus Bank customer base, usability of internet banking system winbank, interactivity, the bank's willingness to interact with its customers via social networks and the prospects of potential growth of winbank users. Piraeus Bank’s working promptness was also singled out by journalists.

Piraeus Bank is one of the few banks that received the maximum points during the online voting: five out of five.

Ilias Mouzakis, Piraeus Bank in Ukraine Operations department Deputy Director “As IT technologies are growing fast, we want to be up-to-date. That's why we offer our clients the most simple and comfortable ways of managing their finances."

"We're constantly working on increasing the winbank’s functionality. In May we offered a mobile version of online banking for Android and iOS operational systems, and till the end of this year our customers will be able to place deposits, use Phone Banking and apply for cards online,"- Ilias Mouzakis added.

30 of the 58 Ukrainian banks, which are members of the I-III groups by the size of their assets according to NBU classification as of July 1, 2012, participated in “Investgazeta” ranking. The main selection factor was the availability of electronic banking services for individuals. The total score was formed on the basis of three groups of criteria: data provided by banks, results of online voting and assessment of banks’ websites made by IT experts (according to the criteria of innovativeness and e-banking promotion level).

Piraeus Bank internet banking system repeatedly wins recognition of electronic banking experts. On July 20, 2012, a reputable world-wide financial magazine Global Finance (New York) named Piraeus Bank’s internet banking service winbank as the Best Consumer Internet Bank in Greece. The winbank mobile application became the Best in Mobile Banking in Europe.

Note. Piraeus Bank is one of the major banking institutions of Southern and Eastern Europe with assets of EUR 74 bln (after absorbing the good part of Greek Agricultural Bank ATEbank, as of 27.07.2012). Established in 1916, Piraeus Bank today is presented in 10 countries. In Ukraine Piraeus Bank is established since 2007. The Bank is a member of Fund of Guaranteeing the Deposits of Individuals (license #25).

Net assets of Piraeus Bank in Ukraine amount to UAH 3.5 bln, share capital to UAH 1.628, regulatory capital to UAH 837 mln as of 01.06.2012.

Piraeus Bank has the highest rating of deposits reliability provided by “Credit-Rating” Agency (grade “5”; last update took place on 26.09.2012), that shows the bank's capacity to make payments on existing deposits timely and in full.

The Bank has «uaA» long-term credit rating with the forecast “stable” provided by “Credit-Rating” (updated on 21.06.2012). This long-term rating belongs to the group of investment ratings that is one of the highest ratings given to banks operating on the Ukrainian market.

The Bank is a member of Banks, Forum of Leading International Financial institutions (FLIFI), Fund of Guaranteeing the Deposits of Individuals. The Bank is also included in the list of banks authorized by the Pension Fund of Ukraine to make payments of pensions and financial assistance.

Piraeus Bank in Ukraine Press Service
Kateryna Kalynovska
cell: +38(067)688-62-14
e-mail: kkalynovska{at}