This year the business conference that has already become a tradition for entrepreneurs of Vinnitsa, was dedicated to innovative methods of organization of business processes and sales’ increase. The conference was supported by Piraeus Bank in Ukraine.
"The conference was a good opportunity for Vinnitsa entrepreneurs to share experience, learn about the practical methods of increasing the business profitability and communicate with colleagues", Gennady Polishchuk, executive director of the Business Club MoneyFest and conference manager, said.
"Services for small and medium enterprises are the priority areas for Piraeus Bank Group subsidiaries in all countries of operation. In addition, the bank already has positive experience of participation in such events, and we are pleased to have accepted the offer to support the organization of the conference - Tatyana Kochereva, Piraeus Bank in Ukraine area manager, said. - For us this is a unique opportunity to meet with entrepreneurs of Vinnitsa and discuss with them the possibilities of optimizing their business processes and sales growth with the help of bank’s products."
Among the main themes of the conference were franchising, Internet sales, PR and online marketing methods for selecting effective trading platforms, product positioning and financial instruments to support business.
According to Tatyana Kochereva, cooperation with banks will help businesses to manage their cash flows using the cash management services, to save time and money taking advantage of salary projects and Internet banking, and to fund their working capital with the help of different lending programs. "Piraeus Bank will help to make your business as effective as possible by choosing one or another financial instrument that depends on the business needs of the company, so the Bank is a true financial partner that will analyze the business needs and offer a customized solution. Also, the bank will be able to analyze where the company is overpaying and can save money, and where it is possible to generate extra profit."
Tatyana Kochereva, Piraeus Bank in Ukraine area manager: "Tha goal of Piraeus Bank is to help the enterpreuners to use financial instruments in the most effective way"
"High concentration of banks in Vinnitsa gives customers the opportunity to choose the bank not only in terms of profitability of the financial proposals, but also taking into account the standards of servicing in a financial institution. Of course, banks with European roots, such as Piraeus Bank, can offer not only a wide range of products with attractive terms, but also the highest quality service and individual approach to the customers", Tatyana Kochereva said.
Note. Piraeus Bank is one of the major banking institutions of Southern and Eastern Europe with assets of EUR 55,6 bln and total equity of EUR 3,1 bln (as of 30.09.2011). Established in 1916, Piraeus Bank today has presence in Greece, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Egypt, Serbia, Cyprus as well as in the world financial centres of New York and London. Piraeus Bank S.A. leads Piraeus Bank Group, which consists of 10 banks and 21 companies covering the entire range of financial services.
In Ukraine Piraeus Bank provides a full range of banking services to individuals, small and medium enterprises and corporate clients. Piraeus Bank is a member of Association of Ukrainian Banks, Forum of Leading International Financial institutions (FLIFI) participant of the Fund of Guaranteeing the Deposits of Individuals. The Bank is also included in the list of banks authorized by the Pension Fund of Ukraine to make payments of pensions and financial assistance.
Piraeus Bank has the highest rating of deposits reliability provided by “Credit-Rating” Agency (grade “5”; last update took place on 02.03.2012), that shows the bank's capacity to make payments on existing deposits timely and in full. The Bank has «uaA» long-term credit rating with the forecast "stable" provided by “Credit-Rating” (updated on 22.12.2011). This long-term rating belongs to the group of investment ratings that is one of the highest ratings given to banks operating on the Ukrainian market.
Piraeus Bank in Ukraine Press Service
Andriy Sakhno
cell.: +38(067)214-4081
e-mail: asakhno{at}
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