Kyiv, June 14, 2010. Piraeus Bank in Ukraine has joined the united ATM network “ATMoSphere” which includes more than 2750 ATMs all over the Ukraine.
Piraeus Bank cardholders can withdraw money in ATMs of other banks-members of “ATMoSphere” network at favorable conditions (at minimal tariffs). Respectively, clients of other banks- members of “ATMoSphere” network can withdraw cash in Piraeus Bank’s ATMs at reduced tariffs. Today the united ATM network consists of 2750 ATMs of 22 banks. Clients can check the ATMs location on
According to Dmitriy Musienko, Piraeus Bank board member and branch network director, joining the “ATMoSphere” ATM network is the next step in service quality improvement. “This is a good opportunity for our customers to receive services in friendly ATM network at a lower tariff. We would like our customers could find friendly ATMs as often as possible”, Dmitriy Musienko said.
Note. Piraeus Bank is one of the major banking institutions of Southern and Eastern Europe with assets of 55,2 bln euros and equity capital of 3,6 bln euros (as at 31.03.2010). Established in 1916, Piraeus Bank today has presence in Greece, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Egypt, Serbia, Cyprus as well as in the world financial centres of New York and London. Piraeus Bank S.A. leads Piraeus Bank Group, which consists of 10 banks and 21 companies covering the entire range of financial services.
In Ukraine Piraeus Bank provides a full range of banking services to individuals, small and medium enterprises and corporate clients.
Piraeus Bank is a member of Association of Ukrainian Banks, participant of the Fund of Guaranteeing the Deposits of Individuals. The Bank is also included in the list of banks authorized by the Pension Fund of Ukraine to make payments of pensions and financial assistance.
On the 3rd of June, 2010 independent credit rating agency “Credit-Rating” has confirmed the highest rating of deposits reliability of Piraeus Bank provided in March 2009 (grade “5”), that shows the bank's capacity to make payments on existing deposits timely and in full.
“ATMoSphere” ATM network, founded in 2005, unites ATMs of 22 Ukrainian banks. According to network rules cardholders who are clients of banks-participants can withdraw money in friendly ATMs of “ATMoSphere” network at minimal tariffs. ATMs of the network are installed in all regions of Ukraine, in more than 150 cities and towns.
Ukrainian Processing Center (UPC), the originator of the united network “ATMoSphere”, protects bank’s interests and assume a responsibility for promotion of “ATMoSphere” brand among banks and their clients.
UPC is an independent processing center that was founded in 1997. Today UPC process more than 8,9 mln payment cards, 39 400 of POS-terminals and about 7 500 of ATMs. UPC has a status MSP і Visa Net Processor in the international payment systems MasterCard and Visa. The company services 58 banks in Ukraine and 3 banks in countries of Eastern Europe.
Piraeus Bank Press Service in Ukraine
Andriy Sakhno
phone/fax: +38(044)495-8888
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